Advances in Alzheimer's Disease 老年痴呆病研究进展
Advances in Alzheimer's Disease 老年痴呆病研究进展
ISSN Print: 2169-2459
ISSN Online: 2169-2467
Aims & Scope
Advances in Alzheimer's Disease (AAD) is an openly accessible journal published quarterly. The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of Alzheimer's Disease.
All manuscripts must be prepared in English and are subject to a rigorous peer-review process. Generally, accepted papers will appear online within 3 weeks followed by printed hard copy. The areas of Advances Alzheimer's Disease (AAD) include but are not limited to the following fields:
We are also interested in:
1) Short reports—2-5 page papers where an author can present an idea with theoretical background, but has not yet completed the research needed for a complete paper or an author presents preliminary data;
2) Short communications—2-5 page papers;
3) Technical notes—2-5 page papers;
4) Letters to the Editor;
5) Reviews or book reviews—comments and critiques (the number of pages is not restricted);
6) Advertisement.