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掌握Walking Words 轻松变换句型

热度0票  浏览169次 时间:2013年10月23日 15:04
掌握Walking Words  轻松变换句型
(沛县郝寨中学,江苏  徐州  221617)

摘  要:“Walking Words”,常见的有下面二十个:can、could、will、would、shall、should、may、might、must、have、has、had、am、is、are、was、were、do、does、did。这些Walking Words包括了几乎所有的情态动词和助动词。学生熟记并掌握了这些“Walking Words”,在将肯定句变换为否定句或疑问句时,就会轻松自如。
关键词:Walking Words;变换句型;方法步骤
中图分类号:G633    文献标识码:A        文章编号:

教学中,同学们在做句型变换题时,常常出错,尤其是在变肯定句为否定句或疑问句时,迟迟不敢落笔。在对大量的练习研究中,我发现,只要同学们能掌握常见的Walking Words ,变换句型就会很轻松。
这里所说的“Walking Words”,常见的有下面二十个:can、could、will、would、shall、should、may、might、must、have、has、had、am、is、are、was、were、do、does、did。这些Walking Words包括了几乎所有的情态动词和助动词。
同学们如果熟记并掌握了这些“Walking Words”,在将肯定句变换为否定句或疑问句时,就会轻松自如。利用这些“Walking Words”(可以走动的词)或“Lively Words”(活词)来进行变换句型时就会一路畅通,准确无误。
现将运用“Walking Words”变换句型的方法步骤总结如下:
一、将肯定句变为一般疑问句(Yes/No questions)
第一步:研读肯定句,看看是否有一个Green Word,若有,就将它挪到句子的开头,放在主语的前面。
例如:1 ) A monkey can climb the tree quickly .
        Can a monkey climb the tree quickly ?
      2 ) My father will come back in two months . 
        Will your father come back in two months
      3) Lucy could swim when she was six . 
Could Lucy swim when she was six ?
          4 ) We were watching TV at this time last night . 
Were you watching TV at this time last night ? 
          5 ) We should help each other . 
            Should we help each other ? 
          6 ) The students must keep the classroom clean . 
             Must the students keep the classroom clean ? 
          7 ) There are some books on the desk . 
            Are there any books on the desk ? 
          8 ) We shall meet at the school gate tomorrow . 
             Shall we meet at the school gate tomorrow ? 
          9 ) We had learned two thousand words by the end of last term . 
             Had you learned two thousand words by the end of last term ? 
          10 ) The students may listen to music after school . 
             May the student listen to music after school ?
第二步:若没有Walking Words,就从do、does、did这三个词中选出一个(谓语动词是第三人称单数形式,就用does;谓语动词是过去式,就用did;否则就用do)。这样句子中就有了一个“Walking Words”,然后将它放在句子的开头,主语的前面就可以了。
例如:1 ) I often play football after school . 
        Do you often play football after school ? 
        I don’t often play football after school . 
2 ) Everyone in China likes moon cakes .
  Does everyone in China like moon cakes ? 
Everyone in China doesn’t like moon cakes . 
例如:1)I like eating apples . 
Do you like eating apples ?
2) Tom wants to play football on the playground this afternoon . 
Does Tom want to play football on the playground this afternoon ? 
3) They went to the park yesterday . 
Did they go to the park yesterday ? 
例如:1) She has lunch at school . 
        Does she have lunch at school ? 
      2 ) I can have some bread .
Can I have some bread ? 
例如:1)This is a new book .  ( What ) -------  What is this ? 
2) Tom likes apples .    (Who ) ------ Who likes apples ?
3) Those are my shoes under the bed . ( Whose )-----  Whose shoes are those ? 
4) Tom can’t come to school because he is ill .  ( Why )------ 
Why can’t Tom come to school ? 
例如:1) Something is wrong with my watch . 
       What is wrong with my watch ? 
2)A few of the students have pets in our class . 
       How many of the students have pets in our class ? 
3) They like watching TV in the evening . 
       Who likes watching TV in the evening ? 
三、将肯定句变为否定句(Negative statements)
第一步:查找肯定句中是否有“Walking Words”。发现有,就在该“Walking Words”后面加上not。
例如:1 ) I am a student now . 
         I am not a student now . 
      2 )Lily can swim . 
        Lily can’t swim . 
      3 ) I would like some bread . 
         I wouldn’t like any bread . 
      4 ) They have already seen the film . 
         They haven’t seen the film yet . 
第二步:若没有Walking Words,那就应该从“do、does、did”中选出一个合适的词。
例如:I don’t like eating apples .
 Tom doesn’t want to play football on the playground this afternoon . 
They didn’t go to the park yesterday . 
第三步:将这个词紧紧放在主要动词(Main Verb)之前,并在该词后面加上not。
例如:We don’t like these uninteresting book . 
例如:1) Tom often goes to school at seven every day .
         Does Tom often go to school at seven every day ?
         Tom doesn’t often go to school at seven every day . 
      2 ) They played football after school every day . 
 Did they play football after school every day ?
         They didn’t play football after school every day .
通过上述实践,我们不难发现“Walking Words”的确在把肯定句变为否定句或者疑问句时有一定的规律可循。只要我们熟练地掌握了上述步骤,并严格遵照这些步骤去做,变换这一类的句型就会感到很轻松。






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