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摘要: 注意识别限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句. 注意关系词在句中的指代关系及其在从句中的指代作用,只能用that 的情况, 只能用which 的情况。As小议。关系副词。意义相同的句子间的转换。

关键字: 中考  定语从句  特殊用法


定语从句是初中英语教学中很重要的一项语法项目。中考重点只考限定性的,但在阅读材料中,非限定性的定语从句时有所见,学生或理解错误。或干脆看不懂。教初三毕业班多年,了解学生在学定语从句时存在诸多困惑 教材中对限定性定语从句有详细论述。 现就平时教学所得.对正确掌握定语从句所必须注意的问题分析如下.


定语从句是复合句中修饰名词和代词的从句,从语法的角度来说,他可以称作形容词从句.定语从句分为限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句两种,限定性定语从句对先行词起修饰,限制与确定的作用,若去掉它,先行词的意思就不明确,所以限定性定语从句对先行词是必不可缺的. 非限制性定语从句只对先行词加以说明,所以他是可有可无的.

识别限制性和非限制性非常重要,如若混淆两者,就会误解全句的意思. 例如:

My best friend has a pretty daughter, who is a nurse. (非限定性) 我最好的朋友有位漂亮的女儿,她是位护士。


The baby will wear no clothes which will distinguish him from others,(限制性) 那小孩将不穿那些使他显得与众不同的衣服。

如果在句中which 前加一个逗号,从句便成为非限制性的,全句的意思则是:那小孩将不穿衣服,这会使他与众不同。




  His motherwho had been on a visit to American, came back yesterday.

My father lived in the city, where of Pisa, where there is a leaning tower about 180 feet high.

(2) 先行词是一个句子,即关系代词所指代的是一个先行句时:

  He passed the examination, which surprised his parents.


 His brotherwho is eighteen years old, is a PLA man.他的兄弟是个解放军,年龄18岁。

 His brother who is a PLA man is eighteen years old. 他的那个当兵的兄弟18岁。第一句的brother 后用的是非限定性定语从句,说明“他只有一个兄弟”。第二句用限制性定语从句,说明他的兄弟不止一个,那个当兵的兄弟18岁。


引导定语从句有关系代词(常用的有who, that, which, as, 等) 它们都指代位于其前的先行词 (有时是先行句),它们在各自的从句中都起一定的成分作用:关系代词在句中可以充当主语,宾语 (动词宾语或介词宾语),表语,关系副词则在从句中作状语。


关系代词who, whom, that, which.

  He is the boy who /that wants to go out,( 指人,作主语 )

  He is the boy whom / who /that you often speak of /know well. (指人,作介词of 或动词know的宾语 )

This is the sentence that / which I’m writing down. ( 指物,作宾语 )

This is the sentence that / which was once written by him. (指物,作主语 )

从上面几个例句可以看出:who 在从句中作主语;whom 作宾语(who,也可),它们都指代人。 Which 在句中作主语或宾语,指代的是事物。而that 在句中做主语,宾语均可,既可以指人,也可以指物。

b 关系代词 whose who 的属格。起形容词作用,所以一般放在名词之前,这是其他关系代词和关系副词所没有的。

Do you know the boy whose leg broken when he fell out of a tree?

He lives in the house whose windows are face the east.

Whose 不仅可用以指人,也可用以指物(如上两句)。在口语中,whose 可以用of which 代替。例如:

   The house whose windows are broken is empty. 就等于The house of which the windows are broken is empty.也相当于 The house the windows of which are broken is empty.

e 关系代词as

  关系代词as 常出现在the same……as;  such…..as;  as…..as等结构中。例如:

  Here are such sentences as are often used by the students.( as 做主语)

  There was such a storm as we couldn’t drive in (as in 的宾语)

关系代词as 还有其独特的用法,请看一下例句:

  He married her, as was natural.

  This elephant is like a snake, as anybody can see.

  He seemed a foreigner, as in fact he was.

以上句中的as 的词性,作用,功能和用法可以归纳为:(1as 为关系代词;(2as 引导非限制性定语从句;(3as 指代逗号前的先行词或整个句子(即先行句);(4)  as 在从句中可作主语,宾语或表语;(5as 所引导的从句可位于句首或句末,如 As was natural,  he married her .其中第(5)点又是相对于which 的用法而言的,即关系代词 which 只具备as 的前四个条件,因为which 所引导的从句不能置于句首,所以第(5)点与之不相适合。

d 关系代词that which 的使用还需注意以下几点:

1) 在下列情况下只能用that .

1) 先行词受“形容词最高级”修饰时:

Tom is the greatest composer that has ever lived.

2) 先行词受序数词修饰的时候:

 The first novel that I have read this year is a novel by Dickens

3) 先行词受 all, any, few, last, little, much, no only, very等词修饰时:

Chatting was the only thing that interested him most.

These articles are the very ones that should be read.

4) 先行词是以 thing 结尾的合成词, 如 anything, everything 时:

Everything that can be done has been done.

I’ll do anything that I can.

5) 先行词包含了指人和指物两个含义时:

They talked for an hour, about the things and persons that they remembered in the school.

6) 先行词是疑问代词who时(可理解为避免重复):

Who that has ever worked together with him doesn’t respect him?

7) 关系代词在句中作表语时:

He is not the man that he was.

(2) 在另外一些情况下不能使用 that ,而应使用 which .

1) that 不能引导非限制性定语从句:

Football , which is a very interesting game , is played all over the world.

2) that 不能放在介词后面作介词宾语 ( 指物用which ,指人用 whom来替代。)

This is the pan in which I boiled the milk.

The person to whom I am speaking just now is the manager of that factory.

3) 句首有指示代词that 时,为避免重复,不用that 而用其他词:

That man is the person whom your brother sent the letter to this morning.

B, 几个关系副词的使用情况:


Do you remember the place where we met before going to the farm last month?

I’ll never forget the day when I first came to He Luo Middle School.

That was the reason why he didn’t pass the examination.

这几句中的where, when, why,的作用很明显。它们分别指地点 (the place) 时间,(the day,原因 (the reason.但是,我们应注意,当关系词是用来修饰指时间,地点或原因的名词时,则不能用关系副词when, where why, 而应使用关系代词。例如:

I’ll never forget the day that / which we spent together.

This is the building that / which he once worked in.

The reason that he gives is not a good one.

在定于从句中关系副词可看成是由介词加上关系代词( 常是 which )组成的。故又存在着如下几种意义相同的句子间的转换方法:

This is the town where they have travelled for many times.

This is the town that they have travelled to for many times.

This is the town to which they have travelled for many times.

至于这类关系副词究竟是哪个介词加上哪个介词 which 所组成,那就得视具体情况而定了。如:That is the town where ( at which ) he worked twenty years ago.

Beijing is the city where (in which ) he lived before liberation. 









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