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Research on Chinese Dance Sport Marketization

热度0票  浏览145次 时间:2019年12月23日 15:18
【Abstract】 From the view of sports industry, dance sportmarket can be divided into following types: market for dancesport competition; market for dance sport entertainment; marketfor dance sport goods; marker for training professionals; andmarket for dance sport media. From the analyses and discussionswe can concluded: 1.Chinese dance sport experienced singleevent period, multiple development period and reformationperiod. Nowadays,top quality events have becoming more andmore mature and the effectiveness of Dance Sport marketizationdevelopment has been highlighted. 2.The motive force of thedevelopment of market mode for the sports dance competition aredeeply innovation and the construction of the primitive flat, thesupport by the rapid and benign socioeconomic environment,thefoundation for the future development given by the improvementof life condition and the change of consumption patterns fromsurvival form to enjoying and developing form, the hugeconsumer market of sports dance, the culture quality of thesports dance and the broad influence in the world. 3.Under themanagement of CDSF, there are three types of typical events:
Chinese sport dance title matches, club league matches, andinternational open matches or tournaments. 4.The generaladoption of market principle for Sports Dance competition isthe club mode and proefssionalization. Therefore, it is necessaryfor us to found the professional united companies certified bypractice. 5.Operations for the market mode of other athleticcompetitions can provide experience for the construction ofmarket structural mode of dance sport competitions. We shouldstudy these successful experience and improve the education forthe reserve forces of sports dance persistently. And then constructa more reasonable, more normative competition mechanism topromote the development of sports dance in a healthy and matureway.
【Key words】 dance sport; competition; marketization; mode ofoperation
With the development of China's socialist market economysystem,sports industrialization and marketization has become aninevitable trend. In order to use the resources of marketization andpromote the development of dance sport,dance sport must go withthe stream of market economy development and develop newmarket.
As dance sport is non-Olympic sports,naturally,it becomesan outcasts of “Olympic glory plan” . For a long period oftime,it has a lack of money and government concern and a shortof reserves. So,it seems that the revival and development of dancesport can not depend only on the government. However,recently,itdeveloped rapidly especially in 2010 on which it became theformal competition event of the Asian Games and more and moreinternational contests are held in China. For example,Beijinginternational dance sport open contest,WDSF Grand Prix finals inShanghai and so on. Chairman of World Dance Sport FederationCarlos Ferre Tiger said that they never stop trying to strugglefor the qualification of joining the family of Olympic and theyregarded it as their target.
Now, there are three kinds of successful competitive sportsoperation modes: First,the listed company of professional soccerclub mode represented by the European professional football;Second,professional sports league mode represented by theAmerican professional basketball; Third,boxing promoter moderepresented by the professional boxing. While the domesticcommercially successful project is the professional club modewhose supreme rights were held by the project managementcenters and associations lead by the State general administrationof sports as the highest authority of them. The projectmanagement center in the professional sports market developmenthas a triple identity of government, society and commercialdevelopment. This is the sports marketing operation mode withChinese characteristics: competitive. If dance sport want tohave the market-oriented development,it should be based on thecharacteristics of socialist market economy in our country.
In the practices of operating a dance sport contest,the relatedstaff should improve the following things: 1.The General SportsAdministration should provide supportment at a macroscopicallevel,at the same time,let market do in the aspect of marketoperation. 2. Cultivate sport dance top mangement talents whoknow both management and dance. 3. Build own brand namecontests,and let them come into play.






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